Monday, May 12, 2008

Forme Head of the NIH Explains Why the Government is Actively Avoiding Research That Might Porve a Link Between Vaccines and Autism

Dr. Bernadine Healy, the former head of the National Institutes of Health and a member of the Institute of Medicine breaks with her colleagues in this exclusive CBS News interview: Dr. Healy says the government has been too quick to dismiss the possibility of a vaccine-autism link, and that it should be explored with renewed vigor.

The NIH is an arm of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services and the CDC reports to the NIIH. Dr. Healy gives some interesting insight as to why the government has actively avoided research that might prove a link between vaccines and autism

This is the video of the interview,

Here you will find an excellent article written by david Kirby, author of Evidence of Harm regarding this interview.

Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Larry King Hosts Vaccine Debate - A few questions I would love to hear answered

Tomorrow evening Larry King will be hosting a vaccine debate at 9:00 p.m.

I can’t wait to see if anyone of significance shows up from the CDC or the American Academy of Pediatrics, i.e. Julie Gerberding, Paul Offit, Anne Schuchat, David Tayloe Jr. etc. as they have little to gain given they are standing on a house of cards.

Larry King is asking for questions (see Wednesday on his schedule)

Here are the questions that I would love to see answered;

How does the CDC and the AAP expect anyone to trust that vaccines have been proven safe when;

1. no study has been done that evaluates the long term impact of the schedule, from birth to two years, totaling 28 to 32 vaccines? Children have not been tracked long term in any study.

2. there has never been a study comparing the vaccinated vs. unvaccinated populations?

3. the most referenced study in the media, by those advocating vaccine safety, is the Denmark study. Why do the experts in this country reference a study from Denmark which evaluates safety against a population that does not compare to ours? They have a much less aggressive vaccine schedule in Denmark. Is there no similar study that holds up to scrutiny in the U.S?

"The FDA recommends that premature babies and those with impaired kidney function, receive no more than 10 to 25 mcg of injected aluminum at any one time," per Dr. Robert Sears in his article Is Aluminum the Next Thimerosal?, Mothering Magazine Jan/Feb 2008. Yet, also according to Dr. Sears, a two month old will receive between 295 mcg to 1225 mcg in their first round of vaccines, with these doses being repeated at 4 and 6 months. Again, that's 25 mcg vs. up to 1225 mcg three times by 6 months. The FDA states that excess levels of aluminum could result in nervous system damage and bone toxicity. Yet no study has been done to determine the maximum tolerable load of aluminum in healthy infants. Therefore how can we possibly trust that a vaccine program with this level of toxin can be safe?

There has been a lot of media coverage regarding vaccine safety since the Hannah Polling case broke last month. To track these developments go to view the March posts.

Is Aluminum the New Thimerosal? How can the FDA be so inconsistent in their guidelines?

In recognition of Autism Awareness Month, I want to share an article written by Dr. Robert Sears that I found very well referenced and concerning. The Drs. Sears are the Spock of our generation and are very well respected.

The article is titled Is Aluminum the New Thimerosal? and was published in the Jan/Feb '08 issue of Mothering Magazine.

He discusses the inconsistency in FDA regulation as it pertains to the amount of aluminum allowed in all injectable drugs with the exception of vaccines, where there are no guidelines in place and the amounts present far exceed the limits set on other drugs.

If you have children please read this. This article exemplifies the many unanswered questions surrounding the safety of ingredients in vaccines and the effect they may have on immaturely developed infants. We all deserve informed consent with regard to the vaccines that are administered to our children and they should at least be held to the same standard as other drugs.

If you find this article the least bit concerning please forward the article to every parent you know.

Vaccine Debate on the Oprah Show

Today I sent the following email to the Oprah Show, asking her to host a vaccine safety debate in recognition of Autism Awareness Month. I was also honored that Ginger at the Adventures in Autism ran my idea on her blog. In addition I emailed Jenny McCarthy at Talk About Curing Autism and asked her to encourage Oprah to run with this,

If you like this suggestion, please email Oprah as well,

My Email to the Oprah Show:

With autism awareness month approaching in April and in light of the recent court ruling regarding Hannah Polling's vaccine related autism, I thought it might be interesting for Oprah to host a debate on the topic of vaccine safety.

Some suggested guests might include; David Kirby, author of Evidence of Harm, Dr. Robert Sears, Author of The Vaccine Book , Dr. Boyd Haley, head of the Chemistry Dept at Kentucky State University, Dr. Jerry Kertzinel, the DAN! Dr. treating Jenny McCarthy's son and Barbara Lowe Fisher of the National Vaccine Information Ctr. on the Critic side.

Possible panelists who support the current vaccine program might include, Dr. Paul Offit, Dr. Julie Gerberding, Director of the CDC, a representative of the AmericanAcademy of Pediatrics and/or a representative of Every Child By Two.

I bet I can guess which side of that panel would decline the invitation. If they do all would certainly make for great television.

Another Great Jenny McCarthy Interview

Yet again, Jenny McCarthy does a great job speaking about vaccines and treating Autism.

My Letter to the President, My Congressman & Senators

This letter was sent in response to the Autism Communities grassroots campaign calling for the resignation of the CDC Director, Julie Gerberding. For more information Google "Julie Gerberding, resignation"

Monday, March 10, 2008

Dear Mr. President,

I am respectfully writing this morning to call for the resignation of Julie Gerberding, Director of the CDC in light of her very defensive and defiant comments resulting from the government ruling that vaccines played a role in the development of Hannah Polling’s Autism.

During Ms. Gerberdings six year tenure very little has been in done in terms of taking seriously the insistence of so many parents that their children regressed into autism immediately after receiving vaccinations. The CDC and others are trying to claim that Hannah’s case is unique. It is not. Up to 30% of autistic children have mitochondrial disorders and the story of how and when she regressed is extremely common among the parents of autistic children. By the way, news is breaking today that the court has actually conceded a number of similar cases prior to the Polling case.

It has always puzzled me why our own pediatrician and the media “experts” always reference the Denmark study as our steadfast evidence that thimerosal (mercury preservative) does not cause autism. Why do we in the U.S. need to refer to a study done in Denmark as our definitive proof. This study is riddled with questions regarding the appropriateness of comparing it to the U.S. population. And the mere fact that we have to look to Denmark for the best study is evidence of Ms. Gerberdings negligence in taking this issue seriously.

Oh yes, I certainly don’t want to forget the CDC’s Verstraten study on the effect of Thimerosal in vaccines. That one is steeped in controversy and ethical charges for manipulation of the data and conflict of interest. Yet it’s just about as good as we’ve got in this country. Pathetic.

One more point on vaccine research. Where’s the study that says 32 cumulative vaccines by the age of two is safe? Oh, that’s right no study exists. How can Ms. Gerberding stand before the American people and tell us to trust them on vaccine safety when there has been no study conducted to determine whether or not this sheer number of vaccines might have a negative immune or neurological effect. This number of vaccines alone might overwhelm the immune system not the mention the negative impact that aluminum, mercury, formaldehyde, etc. may have on the brain and body.

While autism diagnosis has jumped to one every 20 minutes, Ms. Gerberding has spent the last six years on the defensive regarding the role vaccines may play while little to nothing has been done to prove or disprove the role of vaccination in this epidemic.

It’s high time that the powers that be start listening to parents who have watched their healthy children slip away. Thousands of parents reporting the same observation of vaccination then decline need to be taken seriously and Ms. Gerberding has simply thumbed her nose at us all and for this she needs to go before she further erodes general confidence in the CDC.


Pamela Felice

The Poling Case - Federal Gov't finds in favor of the parents that vaccines caused their daughter's autism

The following link will take you to Adventures in Autism and press coverage related to the Poling Case. The Good Morning America interview was very well done and further down the page you will find the Poling press conference held on March 6.